The use of software patch management easily automates the distribution of problem fixing patches across an entire network. Depending on the software, these updates can be scheduled beforehand or setup to coincide with your development team or third party patch providers. Many programs also offer the ability to scan the computers on the network for any vulnerabilities that require a patch. Trying to perform a patch on every terminal in your company manually is a lengthy, time consuming process. It is also completely unnecessary and problematic. Instead of having an IT staffer waste another employees time by taking up the computer, the IT tech can automate the process with a program. It also saves money on payroll by ensuring work continues by everyone. If you have to have someone download patches on an employees computer, that person will have to stop what they are doing. This could potentially be devastating for any department from sales to accounting to customer service. Nobody wants to lose clients because of a minor detail that could have easily have been prevented.
Just like any other software programs, there are number of different ones for this specific need. They range from basic home editions, to ones that can manage a number of computers on various networks. Which one you choose depends on the specific needs for your company. Always research the programs before you choose one. Just because they look flashy and say they can do a lot does not necessarily mean they can do what you need them to do.
Patch management is a good way to protect your company from malicious attacks. Many hackers are able to manipulate the vulnerabilities in systems that have not been closed by a corrective patch. A good software will be able to scan your computers and determine which patch should be applied.
More companies are being temporarily disabled or having their networks bogged down by outside users using their bandwidth. Several of these outside influences are able to gain control through security loopholes. It only takes one unprotected and not patched terminal on your network to allow this to happen. These attacks can be prevented and stopped by continually checking the terminals on your network. If one fails to meet the patch update standards then it will be immediately patched. This means that the opening that was left for the hacker is no longer open and the system is once again protected.
Most of the work of a software patch management software is done behind the scenes. Most workers will not even be aware that their computer is being updated to protect the company. The only time that it would be of any concern is when the system might need to be rebooted. The worker would be warned with a prompt and asked to save their work. This can be a very slight inconvenience having to wait for the system to reboot; it is however, a lot better than having to wait for an admin to go through every prompt. Most workers will be appreciative of the quick work that the software provides. There will be less inconvenient visits from the IT staff to have to see to issues related to the workers computer.